How To Outsource Content Writing To Freelance Writers Or Agencies

The first step towards brand-building is efficient online publishing these days. Apart from your skills to run that business, content is the most powerful weapon to keep you in the race (or to win, maybe). Text, videos, visuals or a mixture of these – all come under content. You will need to broadcast, multicast and sometimes, dedicated uncast efficient content in order to get people buying your services or paying attention to you.

So you can’t stop yourself from admitting the fact that Content is important for your business, nor could you deny nodding upon ‘Content creation [good] is very hard’. You’ve got three choices then:

  1. Create the content on your own.
  2. Hire a good content creation team with great writers, designers, and marketers.
  3. Outsource content writing, editing, and marketing tasks totally or partially.

Now, it’s our turn to give you the right advice about these ideas. See why outsourcing is the best option among these:

1. Because Time Is EVERYTHING.

You’ve got a business to handle, which is growing and needs your 100% attention. Better DO NOT think of picking the idea ‘A’ from the above list. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you may need to communicate with clients, work for your company, hire talents for your business, and do hundreds of more works.

If you’ll start writing every of the blog or article which goes live on your website, just because of the thought ‘No one knows my business better than me’, you will end up wasting a lot of your precious time. Think again, you may have to do every of these (image) things while handling your company’s content management work.

Is it Feasible?


Instead, train an individual or create a small team of freelance content writers and marketing professionals. Being the experts in this domain (FastSEOSolutions) and having regular touch with the market/audience, they obviously know how to popularise you. Mind your business and utilize every second you’ve got to build it!

2. Because in-house Teams Are Costly and Kind of, a Big Commitment.

Extra devices, extra furniture, extra time on a daily basis, enough cups of coffee, snacks and full-time wages – that’s what an additional team member will ‘cost’ you. As a small business, you do not need to publish a lot of content on your websites and social handles. It is very much probable that you will not publish content daily, though your hired employee will need a pre-decided salary from every single day. Unless you are a well-funded startup, having a lot of money to put into the business, you won’t prefer having a full-time member for writing and publishing. It’s a big investment as writers are costlier than you may think!

3. Because Smart Outsourcing Is The Best Decision You Could Make!

First things first, smart outsourcing isn’t the same as outsourcing. So, you need to learn the right ways of choosing a fitting freelance writer for your work.

Instead of taking all pain to hire a freelancer, use a good freelancers’ platform like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc. Let us give you a short description of how it works:

  • You’ll have to create your account, registering as a client.
  • Either post your requirement or go through the writers’ directory/packages.
  • Go through the profiles of your shortlisted writers to confirm that you are making the right choice. Check their reviews, performance, expertise, and other details to get a better understanding.
  • Hire a writer of your choice and your budget.

4. Because You Want To Grow Super-fast!

Think deeply. By hiring a writer for full-time work, you restrict yourself from growing fast. You limit the amount of content that can be published in a particular time period. It is not the same when you outsource the content writing/creation work. If outsourcing the work to an agency, you may ask them to send you 10 articles on one day and exactly 1 article of another. No havoc will happen!

While outsourcing, make sure your team/writer has a handful set of these qualities:

5. Because It’s Not As Tough As You Think.

Things are tough, until the time you think of them as ‘hard’.

From our point of views, it is tough to follow this list of steps:

  • Post jobs on multiple employment portals or hire an employment agency/full-time HR.
  • Read hundreds of resumes to shortlist some.
  • Meet dozens of candidates just to reject them and feel frustrated.
  • Go through a long screening process and then cross your fingers to guess whether you’ve hired the right candidate or not.

As per the procedure described in the previous point, hiring freelancers or outsourcing the work to agencies looks quite easy. What do you think?

6. Because You Do Not Want Your Audience To Suffer From Your Bad Choices.

As told in point 3, you may make good and bad choices as per your smartness. The scenario isn’t very different while you hire an in-house writer, though it is a bit more costly and scary if you made a mistake.

Consider this:

You are not satisfied with your in-house writer, just after 7 days of hiring him/her. Willingly or unwillingly, you will have to keep bearing that person and their content until the contract ends. For that whole duration, you will be paying the writer even if nothing is as per your expectation.

You may end up like this:

In the case of freelancing, you can pay the writers article-wise, weekly-monthly, or as per the two parties decide. To get a better understanding of how the writer is doing, people start with one article or one-week contracts. So you can make better judgments here. Even if something went wrong, immediate actions could be taken.

7. Because Talent Knows No Boundaries.

You can’t say ‘No’ here, 62% of the companies agree with us at this point.

Your city is probably not the most blessed place in the world. So better is to have faith in hiring the best writer, instead of trusting someone just because they live near you.


Running a small business or starting up a new SEO Services company isn’t an easy task, we all know. It takes a lot to nurture a newly-budding organization and hence, you’ll need to invest every penny smartly. Outsourcing the content creation and marketing work seems one of those wittiest ideas, which you should implement in order to shine brighter in your domain.

If you’re still not convinced, here’s a Bonus Reason we’ve thought of:

Freelancers are the entrepreneurial freaks who put excessive efforts in understanding the business(s) they are working with. They are not the ones who give up so early if you are not convinced; and if they do, you’ve got thousands of more choices to get the right content as per your requirements.

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